Sex addiction - Sex Addiction Symptoms

We know you're probably thinking "Clearly, addicted to sex even something fun." But, in fact, addicted to this one in question could have a negative impact.

Like those who are addicted to alcohol, drugs, or gambling, people are addicted to sex can be sacrificed careers, family, health and even to meet their desires.

"We never treat people who have spent 50 000 dollars or more a year just for sex. There is also a man who has four different families in four cities. Can you imagine the energy that must be prepared to satisfy the fourth woman?
The man died of a heart attack at the age of fifty years, "said Patrick Carnes, Ph.D., clinical director of Sexual Dependency Unit and Sexual Therapy Program at Del Amo Hospital in Torrance, California, and author of Do not Call It Love.

"Mengumbar excessive appetite, stayed up late every night, and always afraid of being found out, it could demand very expensive fees. Addiction is something that makes you stress, and stress make you old quick."

Men are addicted to sex in America reached six percent, according to estimates Dr. Carnes. Some of these risk factors and signs of addiction are:

* Ever suffered sexual abuse in childhood.
* Feeling ashamed of your sexual habits.
* Not able to stop your sexual behavior despite knowing that it is not true.
* Believe that you are not a normal sexual activity.
* Conduct sexual practices, such as prostitution or sex with minors, which is obviously contrary to the law.

If you feel addicted, you probably do not have to abandon sex altogether. However, you can learn to avoid behaviors that trigger these cravings. If you suspect that you experience it, consult with a specialist sexual problems.


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